
Below is a list of the policies and procedures that we have in place at Club 4 Kids. These policies are a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework which we must adhere to.
  1. Staffing and Employment
  2. Food handling
  3. Settling in
  4. Confidentiality
  5. Security
  6. Heath & Hygiene
  7. Sun cream
  8. Food and Diet
  9. Safety
  10. Student Placements
  11. Select play equipment & toys
  12. Working in Patnership with Parent/Carer
  13. Safeguarding and Child Protection
  14. Safeguarding - Allegation against a Member of Staff
  15. Equal Opportunities 
  16. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities   
  17. Outings
  18. Uncollected/Lost children
  19. Compaints and Grievance
    19a. Informing Ofsted
  20. Contracting Parent/Carers
  21. Payment of fees
  22. Nursery/Preschool & Playscheme Behaviou
  23. Fire Evacuation
  24. Aims & Objectives
  25. Arrivals and Departures
  26. Administration of Medicines/Acute Illness
  27. Admissions
  28. Smokefree Policy
  29. Keyperson Approach
  30. Data Protection
  31. Digital Photography
  32. Dummy Policy
  33. Use of mobile phones
  34. Looked After children
  35. Redundancy
  36. Severe Weather
  37. Whistleblowing
  38. Weapons policy