Below is a list of the policies and procedures that we have in place at Club 4 Kids. These policies are a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework which we must adhere to.
- Staffing and Employment
- Food handling
- Settling in
- Confidentiality
- Security
- Heath & Hygiene
- Sun cream
- Food and Diet
- Safety
- Student Placements
- Select play equipment & toys
- Working in Patnership with Parent/Carer
- Safeguarding and Child Protection
- Safeguarding - Allegation against a Member of Staff
- Equal Opportunities
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Outings
- Uncollected/Lost children
- Compaints and Grievance
19a. Informing Ofsted - Contracting Parent/Carers
- Payment of fees
- Nursery/Preschool & Playscheme Behaviou
- Fire Evacuation
- Aims & Objectives
- Arrivals and Departures
- Administration of Medicines/Acute Illness
- Admissions
- Smokefree Policy
- Keyperson Approach
- Data Protection
- Digital Photography
- Dummy Policy
- Use of mobile phones
- Looked After children
- Redundancy
- Severe Weather
- Whistleblowing
- Weapons policy