Click on the relevant prospectus below to download it or pop in to Mobile Unit, Fitzgerald Avenue to collect one. Alternatively, phone 07802 738256 or 07788530381 and we will send you your requested prospectus. You can E-mail your request to

Bumblebee Prospectus September 2020.pdf (575364)

Cats - Butterflies ProspectusSEPT 2020.PDF.pdf (828279)

Breakfast Club Prospectus SEPTEMBER 2020.pdf (187688)

Klub 4 - 11 Prospectus SEPTEMBER 2020.word.pdf (156988)


2 to 4`s Playscheme JULY 2020.pdf (340622)

5 - playscheme prospectus JULY 2020.pdf (348421)

REGISTRATION FORM MARCH 2020..pdf (242197)

Parent Entry Questionnaire.pdf (184303)